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Breaking Barriers

God is doing amazing things at Salem and it is our desire to prepare our church to reach and disciple the growing population of the greater Richmond and Goochland area. To this end, we believe the time is right to begin investigating and planning how we might accomodate the growth that God is bringing our way!

Below is some important preliminary information that explains what we are currently looking at and how we plan to move forward


Why more room?

Because it is time to realize the vision that was cast years ago for the space we currently occupy. (This isn’t a new idea, but a return to an original idea) Prov. 29:18a

Because we need to stretch ourselves with bold steps of faith. (This will challenge us out of our comfort zone and compel us to reengage our mission in new and passionate ways) Lk. 5:17-39

Because we need to realize the potential that God has for Salem to reach a growing surrounding community. (Our church has only ever been so large for years, despite a surrounding context that has consistently grown. Something needs to push us to reach our growing Jerusalem)  John 4:35

 Because greater capacity will allow us to invest in more potential disciples as there will be a seat and room for more to hear God’s word and be encouraged to grow in their faith (The facility God has provided Salem needs help us to pursue God’s mission in a greater capacity) Matt. 28:19-20

Because we ought to plan and prepare not only for those who are here now, but for those who are not here yet (God wants us to reach those who are not here yet and when we do, we need to be sure there is a place for them) Phil. 2:3

Why now?

Studies show that once either a parking lot, children’s ministry, or yes, a sanctuary reaches 70-80% capacity, it is perceived as “full” and inhibits growth. Added to this research, church leaders suggest that if pastors/churches wait to “max out” before they plan on and execute space solutions, they will never get there as the growth scale will plateau and even begin to decrease.

What will the result be?

This concept will eventually allow up to double the seating capacity during Sunday morning service AND allow Salem to preserve the fellowship hall/gym area for exclusive use outside of Sunday morning.

What will it look like?

We are looking at the possibility of removing the back wall of the sanctuary and replacing it with ballroom-style, large, heavy-duty room divider panels that can open during Sunday morning for the service and be closed throughout the week.

This will also, no doubt, include cosmetic improvements (paint, acoustical paneling, sound booth redesign)  so that the spaces (in both its open Sunday morning configuration and divided work-week configuration) make sense, look good, and function well for a multiplicity of functions and maximum flexibility. 

Why not two services?

Two services can very easily lead to two increasingly unrelated bodies/churches

Two services can also place the kind of strain on workers/volunteers that makes it difficult to recruit help/volunteers in any one area (leading worship, nursery, children’s groups, etc.).

Why this project and not others (2nd floor/another building/something else)?

We are not bumping up against capacity issues YET in our 9:00am hour.

Funding and resourcing for the design and completion of the second floor will come from and by the growth that will be facilitated through (at least in part) the newly-renovated sanctuary space. In other words, with God’s help, we will grow out, then we will grow up

We believe that creating increased space for the Sunday morning service is the best physical catalyst conducive for church growth and advancing the mission of making disciples at this time.

Who is working on/investigating/exploring this?

The Salem Baptist Board of Directors (including, but not limited to, the finance chair, nominating chair, personnel chair, missions chair, chairman of deacons, and leader of the property team) in concert with the pastor will be leading inquiries into this project.

We will also be soliciting information from other area churches and exploring appropriate and recommended options for contracting, design, and execution of this concept.

Any and all progress/plans/associated costs will be communicated to the church family, allowing for discussion, well before decisions are made and/or voted upon.

How will we pay for it?

Ideally, we would love to cover all associated costs (to be determined) for this project without taking out any new loans or borrowing any money.

We are exploring a combination of non-reserve cash on hand and a giving campaign to cover all costs for this project

Current Configuration.png
New Congifuration #1.png
New Congifuration 2.png

Phases moving Forward

PHASE 1Exploration Phase (January -- April)

PHASE 2: Decision-Phase (April--June)

PHASE 3: Fundraising Phase (June -- ??)

PHASE 4: Execution Phase (??)

February Update

(February 3, 2025)

Our Salem Board of Directors has met and approved the concept outlined above for investigation. Board also iscussed questions that have been raised about particulars related to the project scope. 


Board entertained what elements of the project may be able to be completed "in house" and reviewed a possible product for the partition. 

Board is currently working with a contractor to solicit a bid and is looking for a couple more contractors for other bids. 

All discussion was entertained with great enthusiasm for the concept and board members were tasked with looking into various efforts related to the communication and completion of the investigation phase of this project.

-Pastor Jeff Dickson

Have other Questions?

If you have any questions or would like to reach out to our team, please send an email by clicking the link below and using "Breaking Barriers" as the subject line

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